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We got rained out last time, so the Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club is having a trail and early season work day on Saturday October 21st from 9:30 am to 3 pm at Allison Chinook.  The weather looks like there will be no snow and it should be warmer than this picture! Please let Larry Hennig know if you are able to come out for the day or even for a few hours.  We’d love to see you there. See contact below .

Please let Larry Hennig know if you have a brush saw you can use on trails or the day area.  If you do, you must wear hearing and eye protection to comply with our OH&S rules.  We have fuel and heavy cutting line you can use. Larry’s contact info is included at the bottom of this page.

 If you have preferences for any of the listed jobs below, let me know….but please be flexible, as we don’t know how many people will come or what their skill set is.  If you don’t have any preferences, just show up and we’ll team you up with other volunteers.

 Dress for the weather, bring work gloves, lunch and snacks and water/drinks for your day.  We’ll meet by the garage in the day area and have a sign in sheet for your name and contact info so we can make sure everyone has a safe day.  Bring bear spray if you have it. 

There are a number of tasks we want to complete as listed below.  If you can let me know what jobs you can help with when you arrive, it will speed up our organizing process in the morning.


Ski waxing:  (3-4 hr. 4-5 people.  ***We have 3 people so only need 2 more*** )

  • About 80 pairs of skis need to be cleaned and waxed.  We use a paste wax so this is easy and quick.  

Move ski racks and parking signs into day area and bring Rainbow trail divide signs down to Rainbow entrance: (1.5 hr. 4 people)

  • We need a truck or trailer to move the two ski racks into the day area.  These are heavy so three or four people would be good.  

Install groomer skegs and hitches (1.5-2 hrs. 2 people)

  • One of our groomers will lead this project but two people are needed.

 Brush and the day area: (4 hr depending on number of saws)

  • If you have a weed whip or brush saw that works on tall grass and small shrubs, please bring it.  For the CNSC OH&S regulations, it’s required that you wear hearing and eye protection when using these machines. Please bring your own if you have it. We have fuel and heavy cutting line you can use. 

 General cleanup of day area:  (2-3 hrs.  4 people or more)

  • Walk the day area and remove rocks, deadfall or debris.  Bring loppers to remove low branches and shrubs on trail edges and to trim longer shrub stems on trail surface.   Bring work gloves.

Install snow fencing on Mainline: (4-6 hrs.  4-6 people)

  • Pound steel T-posts along the lower Mainline ditches, and attach snow fencing.  Locations are marked with blue flags.  Requires a truck to haul posts. poundres and fencing to Mainline from the day area. We’ll attach fencing with plastic zip-ties.  Please bring wire cutters to trim zip-ties.  We have two post pounders and a heavy sledge hammer.

Brush trails:

  • 4-6 people.  We have 3 brush saws.  Must have hearing and eye protection.  Bring your own saw and PPE if you have one.

Remove blue flags in Chinook, Chinook Ridge and Snowshoe Hare trails. (2-3 hrs. 4-6 people.)

  • Walk trails, remove old marking flags, trim low branches & shrubs and clear rocks and debris from trail surface that impedes the trail.  Generally, anything you can easily step over is ok to leave on the ground.  Bring work gloves.

We hope to see you on Saturday, Oct 21st @ 9:30.  If you have any questions, please contact:  Larry Hennig.  Contact info below.

Larry Hennig (CNSC)

Email: hennigla@telus.net

Cell/text: 780-910-3508

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