Meet our Board of Directors

We have been members of the Nordic club since moving to the area. Participating in the kids programs has been a great way to get outside and connect with other local families. We love to get outside and the Chinook lake area has become one of our favourite spots.
This club will continue inspiring people young and old to get outside. I look forward to helping maintain and enhance this trail network and the opportunities offered to the public.

Darrell Archibald, Social Events
Darrell Archibald joined the Nordic Ski Club in 2015.
With a young family, and looking for an activity that everyone could participate in, while spending time in the outdoors, my wife and I felt very fortunate to be able to take up cross country skiing, an activity neither of us had done before. After enjoying the fantastic trails, we felt the need to give back, and in 2021 I joined the Nordic Club Executive. I was amazed with and even overwhelmed with the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to keep the Nordic Club and it’s facilities in the fantastic condition that we all enjoy.

Georg Wendrick, Grooming and Trail Maintenance
Georg Wendrich is an active volunteer within the community, mostly behind the scenes. As a long-time contributor to the CNSC, he was finally persuaded to let his name stand for being on the board. He is passionate about the trails, which makes him a natural fit for being the point person for all things Grooming and Trails related. He is quickly getting up to speed, taking over for Larry who previously held this position.

Caleb Schulz, Treasurer and Past President
Caleb Schulz has been an active member with the Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club since 2014, when his tongue in cheek comment, “I’ll join the board when you get an area I can ski with my dogs” landed him a surprise position with the formation of the dog friendly ski area. Since that time he held the position of President for his maximum 6 year term from the 2015/16 – 2020/21 season, and currently sits as the Past President. His enthusiasm and excitement for skiing is best channelled into coaching the children’s programs, as his definition of a beginner trail has been brought into question from friends he tries to introduce to the sport.

Kyle Saganiuk, Communications Coordinator
Kyle Saganiuk was born and raised in the Pincher Creek area. Throughout my life I have enjoyed most sports that involve sliding on snow. I was first introduced to cross country skiing during Christmas visits at my grandparents through stubble fields (where downhill was not an option). After I outgrew the gear at my grandparents, I took a hiatus from xc and focused more on alpine touring. With the pending arrival of my first daughter Teya, my wife and I opted for lower risk snow fun (AKA cross-country skiing). I invested in my own pair of cross-country skis at that time and haven’t looked back (Allison sure is a lot more fun than a wind-blown stubble field)! As communications coordinator I will do my best to keep you all well informed.

Lacy Bertrand, Safe Sport Director
Lacy Bertrand joined the Crowsnest Pass Nordic Club in 2018, enrolling my oldest daughter in the Bunny Rabbit program. As a parent of three and part of an active, outdoor-loving family, I’ve always been passionate about supporting our beautiful trails and fostering a love of outdoor pursuits in our community.
Since then, I’ve become a coach with Nordic Canada and now teach the Bunny Rabbits program for the local club. You’ll often find me skiing on the trails with a few kids in tow, sharing my love for the outdoors and Nordic skiing.

Deb Whitten, Secretary
Deb Whitten has been an active member of Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club since retiring here with my husband in 2008. Right away, we joined what was then known as the Crowsnest Pass Cross Country Ski Association. I have been on and off the Board ever since, serving as Youth Director in the first years of our Jackrabbit and Bunny Program when we were excited to have 12 children enrolled, and Loppet Director for the first couple Flights of the Crow. I have been President and Treasurer twice. This time around I am the Secretary.
The club has taken great strides and experienced large growth over the past 17 years, while maintaining its vision of becoming the go-to venue for Nordic pursuits in Southern Alberta.
I continue to be involved because I like to ski and snowshoe at Allison, I learn new skills with each new project and partnership the club takes on, and I have made many great friends. Happy Trails everyone.

Michelle Nummi, Director of Youth Programs
Michelle Nummi learnt to ski on the Allison Chinook Provincial Recreation Area Ski Trails when she was young. When her son expressed an interest in nordic skiing, she was thrilled to learn of the Youth programming offered by the Club. Inspired by the passion of the Club’s coaches and families, she joined the Board of Directors in 2021. Michelle currently holds the Director of Youth Programming position. She is passionate about ensuring the Club’s programs and activities support kids in the community to develop a positive self-image, inspire an appreciation for the outdoors, and instil a lifelong interest in the sport.