We will be having our Annual General Meeting at the Crowsnest Golf Club on Thursday October 19th. This is a meeting where we review the past year’s activities, present the financial statements of the club and announce plans for the upcoming ski season. It is a legal requirement that we hold an AGM every year and it is vital that we have a quorum of people attend.
The schedule for the evening is:
6:00 – 7:00 pm – Light Supper
7:00 – 7:30 pm – AGM
7:30 – 8:00 pm – Presentation – Membership Survey Results
There is no cost to attend the meeting or have supper but you would need to pay for your own drinks.
Please use the following link to RSVP if you plan to be at the meeting. This is to ensure that there is enough food at the supper. The food was very good last year.
Please RSVP by end of day October 16th.
RSVP Link is https://forms.gle/ wyJEEhempK3Tvw698.
The full agenda is at link to AGM Agenda
The financial statements are at link to AGM Financial Statement
If you cannot attend the meeting in person you are invited to join the meeting online using Microsoft Teams
Join on your computer or mobile app at a link that will be posted here later
We hope to see you all on the 19th either in person or online
CNSC Board